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SEO – Why Keyword Density Should Never be Mentioned Again

Keyword density is one of those phrases from the past that should be buried.the end of Keyword density

In the bad old days of SEO (search engine optimisation), it was thought to be the best on-screen method of boosting your search rankings.

The problem behind this thinking was that if you had 10 instances of your keyword or phrase on your web page, but a competitor had 15, they would rank higher than you.

Can you see where this is going?

That’s right – the end result was a list of search results that took you to unreadable, unimaginative and very uninteresting content.

SEO the right way

Thankfully, most SEO copywriters today understand the value of natural copy that is written for the reader and not the search engines.

You see, if you write in a natural style about a particular subject, the keywords will appear and at a level that you would expect. The result is great information that is easy to read and that will help your on-screen SEO strategy.

If you think this is all stuff and nonsense and that having a certain percentage of keywords is still the way to go, have a read of this from Google’s very own Matt Cutts (speaking at SXSW earlier this year):

“What about the people optimizing really hard and doing a lot of SEO. We don’t normally pre-announce changes but there is something we are working in the last few months and hope to release it in the next months or few weeks. We are trying to level the playing field a bit. All those people doing, for lack of a better word, over optimization or overly SEO – versus those making great content and great site. We are trying to make GoogleBot smarter, make our relevance better, and we are also looking for those who abuse it, like too many keywords on a page, or exchange way too many links or go well beyond what you normally expect. We have several engineers on my team working on this right now.”

Be natural

So there you go, if you continue to over stuff your content with keywords it will damage your website in the long run as well as having an immediate effect on your conversion rate.

Good SEO copy is:

  • Natural
  • Written for your reader
  • Simple to understand
  • Well laid out

It really is as easy as that.

The Mystery of SEO Uncovered


This post was first published back in 2009, but still remains as relevant today as it was back then.

To get 2012 off to a great start I though it worth while pushing this one ‘out there’ again to help you get one step ahead this year…

Everyone has heard of SEO.

But not everyone understands how to utilise it to promote their websites. Many still believe that over stuffing their website copywriting with keywords is what SEO is all about – wrong.

Many believe that by simply listing all the keywords they can think of on their webpages is right – wrong.

And as for those who still insist on using ‘black hat’ strategies – well, we’re not even going to go there.

Understanding SEO and how to use it to get Google to love your website is key in the online world.

At the end of the day, if you’re an online marketer, you’ve got to get to grips with SEO if you want your website to survive and thrive.

Therefore, to help you stay one step ahead, here’s a fantastic guide from those amazing people over at Seomoz.org. They have put together a list of the important and not so important aspects of SEO to help you demystify search engine optimisation – Search Enging Ranking Factors.

It’s a worth while read and will make a world of different to your online marketing.

Simple Search Engine Optimisation


fed up with SEO

Are you fed up with unsolicited emails from SEO companies?

Barely a day goes by without at least one of their (often) brightly coloured emails popping into my inbox.

Every single one promises the earth in return for a small fortune.

But surely, if they are as good as they say they are they wouldn’t have to resort to cold emailing every business owner under the sun – would they?

A while back I wrote a post about simple SEO checks anyone can make. So, don’t respond to anyone who contacts you out of the blue, instead, grab a coffee and have a read of these posts. They should give you enough pointers to check the effectiveness of your site yourself (and tell you what to do to improve it).

Here goes – take a look at:

Simple SEO checks any small business can make

SEO copywriting – how it’s done

Page titles and SEO

The importance of off screen SEO

You can do basic SEO yourself – go on, give it a try.

How to Use Keywords in Your Content Marketing

Search engine optimisation copywriting isn’t just for websites.

If you want your content to be found, you have got to use keywords. However, over use of them is common, which is why you’ve probably come across numerous articles during your searches that are incomprehensible.

For many people, the strong desire to be found causes them to cram as many of their keywords into the articles and blog posts as possible. After all, surely the content is just there to build links – it’s not trying to sell like web copy, so it doesn’t matter – does it?

Of course it does.

Any content you put out on the web will reflect on you and your business.

The fact that you want to optimise your text is a given, so here’s how to do it.

The proper use of keywords in content marketing

Below are the 4 areas where you should concentrate your SEO efforts when producing content.

1. Title tags

Whatever phrase you want to rank for, make sure it’s here.

This is the tag that tells the search engines what your page is about, so make sure you tell them. If you‘re using a WordPress based website/blog, make sure you install the All in one SEO pack because it helps you automatically optimise your posts for the search engines.

2. URLs

In the search results, you will see the title tag (that’s the top part, which is underlined), the URL and then the META description.

You might think it unnecessary to optimise your URL, but because the search engines highlight the keywords that were searched for (in the example below I searched for ‘dog training courses UK’), it’s important your URL slug (that’s the part of the URL that identifies a page using human-readable keywords) contains your keywords.

URL slug and search engine optimisation

3. META Descriptions

These have no value when it comes to SEO, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore them.

The META description is the 160 characters of text that appear below the name of the web page in the search results. This is the enticer that is used to attract the click from the user. Therefore, including your keywords within it will help draw them to your post and show its relevance.

4. Content

Of course, you also need to optimise your content. But a word of warning, don’t start thinking keyword density. Because as soon as you do, you will start writing for the search engines and not the reader.

Just write naturally. You will find that because you page is about your keyword, it will naturally appear in your text.

Now, the keen-eyed amongst you have noticed that I haven’t mentioned META keyword tags – and that’s for a very good reason.

They have absolutely no impact on your rankings whatsoever. In fact, back in 2009, Google clearly stated this fact in its webmaster central blog.

So, when you are next creating content, make sure you:

  • Write primarily for your reader
  • Be natural with your keywords
  • Pay close attention to your title tags and URL slugs
  • Write eye-catching META descriptions


What is the most effective form of anchor text?

In the world of search engine optimisation, building links is essential if you are to achieve and maintain good rankings.

But how to you make sure you are using the most effective anchor text linking structure?

For many, the answer is using their keywords as their anchor text, but it is this too obvious? With Google’s very increasing sophistication, should you now be looking to mix up out linking by also using contextual anchor text (i.e. using something generic such as ‘click here’ but in close proximity to your keywords)?

I came across a very interesting post on Seomoz.org that looks at this particular issue. By conducting an experiment, both options were tested with some very interesting outcomes.

So, if you want to learn more about getting the most out of your linking strategy, grab a coffee and take 5 minutes out of your day to have a read of:

Which Type of Link Anchor Text is the Most Effective? [An Experiment]