Copywriting for Your About Us Page

copywriterIn my role as a copywriter I have harped on frequently about how your website copy should address the needs of your reader. It should be benefits focused and not focused on you.

As a business owner, I know you won’t be able to help yourself. You’ll need an outlet somewhere on your website to shout about you and what you’ve done. As I tell all my clients, that’s what the ‘About Us’ page is for.

It’s your opportunity for the limelight; an opportunity to sell you as a person – so don’t waste it.

Do people really look at the About Us page?

Yes, they do.

It’s an inherent need in all of us to know who we are buying from. We want to know the face behind the business. We want to be reassured they are someone we can trust. And that’s why the About Us page exists. So don’t blow it.


How many times have you read someone’s About Us page only to be completely perplexed. Often you find them written is a very dull and technical way.


Your reader isn’t going to be impressed just because you know a few technical terms and long words. If your page is to have impact, make the content meaningful. Tell them simply who you are and what your company is about.

Be yourself

Remember what I said earlier? This is your opportunity to sell you as a person. So why do so many people show a stock photo on the About Us page rather than a photo of themselves? Why are you hiding?

If you’re a larger business include a photo of your team. Your reader wants to know who you are so show them.

Be real

Write in a friendly conversational style. Tell your reader why you started your business. The process you went through to develop it into the company it is today. Make it a human interest story – but make sure it is real. Don’t try and pull the wool over your readers’ eyes.

Don’t hide

If you have contact details on this page make sure they are real and accessible. Include a valid email address and telephone number. Show your address and a map – people like to know where you are. If this information is missing they’ll want to know what you’re hiding.

Back it up

To add extra weight to your claims about your business and its service, add in testimonials or sound bites from happy customers. But make sure you reference them – a testimonial without a name is worthless.

The About Us page is very important. It may not be your main sales page but it is there to show your reader who you are and why they should do business with you. So use it to show your human side and connect with  them.

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1 comment so far ↓

#1 Copywriter on 10.08.10 at 1:55 pm

You are right. Generally website owner don’t pay much attention to about us page. But people do visit them. And adding testimonials from customers is always beneficial.

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